Health Screening
One Stop Family Clinic
Family Practice & Walk-In Clinic located in Murfreesboro, TN
Board Certified Nurse Practitioner Emily Robinette of One Stop Family Clinic, in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, provides a full scope of health screenings and preventative services for patients throughout Rutherford County.
Health Screening Q & A
What types of screening services does One Stop Family Clinic offer?
A wide range of screening services are provided for both children and adults. Among those most commonly performed include:
- Diabetic screenings
- Prostate checks
- Pap tests
- Pregnancy testing
- Cholesterol screenings
- Lung function tests
- Electrocardiogram (EKG)
- Strep tests
- STD testing
- Flu tests
- Mononucleosis testing
- Vision screenings
- Drug testing
How quickly will I receive the results from these screenings?
Depending on the type of screening being performed, most results can be returned in as little as 48 hours. Tests that check for bacteria or viral infections may have an extremely quick turnaround time, while Pap tests and biopsies may take a few days for the results to be returned. Blood sugar screenings can be read almost immediately, allowing for the patient to go home with a treatment plan in hand. Many screenings are performed during a person's yearly physical exam. This allows for conditions discovered early.
What are common tests used to screen for heart and lung problems?
Pulmonary function testing is a common type of lung screening. This test determines how well the lungs function as a person is breathing. It is often performed in people who have asthma, allergies, or other chronic respiratory conditions that affect the ability to breathe. Tests that help determine heart health include EKG, cholesterol, and blood pressure screenings. Such screenings are key, as heart disease may not cause noticeable symptoms until severe and less easily managed or reversed. Depending on test results, Emily, in some instances, may refer patients to a specialist for evaluation and treatment.